An Update From Harnas

Apologies for the lack of blogging - believe it or not I'm still trying get my head together after Africa... Harnas Wildlife Foundation still fills my thoughts every day and I'm glad to report some amazing news from there. For those of you that read my blog post about my time at Harnas, you will remember a little cheetah cub who came to the sanctuary a few days before we arrived. His mother had been shot in the wild, and with no one to provide for him, he would have died if he didn't find his way to Harnas. Every day we visited this little cheetah, and even though he warmed up to us, he still remained sad. Just the look on his face said it all...


Myself and the little orphaned cheetah cub

On the day we left Harnas, we were told that the research team were going to try something a little risky. They had released a female cheetah called Pride into their wild area (the Lifeline), and she had a cub around the same age as out little boy cheetah. They were going to try and introduce the cub to her, in the hopes that she would adopt him and he would be happy once more with a mother to call his own, and a baby sister around the same age as him. I got word a few days after we left that it had all gone ok, and they all seemed to be getting along well, but just two days ago I found out that it was going exceptionally well and they had all been re-released together into the Lifeline. Today one of the research team members posted the most wonderful video and photos on my Facebook wall and I just had to share the story of our little boy cheetah cub, now named Dinga, and his new mum and sister, Pride and Merci.

This is the reason I love Harnas so much...


* Click here if the video doesn't load


Pride grooming her new adopted son, Dinga

Motherly love for a new son

Dinga and his new sister, Merci 

I love happy endings!!!
